Monday, July 21, 2008

9 Years!!! (July 22, 1999)

We wanted to celebrate our 9th anniversary with a look back at our life together. It's only just the beginning...


Patsy said...

Dan and Kris,
What a wonderful way to celebrate 9 years together and how sweet and wonderful you both are. Have a super day tomorrow - these are the best memories in life - those you have together!!!
Love, Mom

Jenni said...

So fun to see pictures of you when you were married. Happy Anniversary!

The Eccles said...

Happy Anniversary! I love the slide show, and the music!(I used the same one on ours) You guys have had a cute 9 years, I love your family!

The Duvall Family said...

What a cute video! Happy Anniversary.

Amy said...

Happy Anniversary Dan and Kristina. Hope you had a great day.

Kirsten said...

WoW!! What a cute video!! I loved seeing pictures of you guys!! Way cute!!
Happy Anniversary!!

So many blogs..too little time said...

You are so pretty. That video is a cute idea:)

Anonymous said...

I love your video! It's fun to look back and hard to believe it has been 9 years.

Amy said...

Guys, that was pretty awesome. We'll probably use that site ourselves in the near future. Congrats on 9 years!

Fred & Charlene said...

You are an awesome couple!!!
What a beautiful and special
family!!! Congratulations!!!