Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I know, I know!

This is probably getting old, but I'm just so excited! The house is almost done, just a few finishing touches on the outside and carpet/appliances on the inside. We close on the townhouse tomorrow. I can't believe how fast everything is going.


Anonymous said...

It is beautiful. Can't wait for our first Thanksgiving dinner there!

The Eccles said...

I am SO excited too!!!!!! That is awesome! Good luck getting moved, sorry I am not closer to help!

Jenni said...

I think we picked the same exterior only opposite. I'm so excited for you guys. Your house is so cool. When do you move in?

Fred & Charlene said...

Such a glorious new home!!! We are delighted to hear that you can move in soon. You are wonderful!!

momtherunner said...

Wow, that was fast!! Congrats on your beautiful new home!!

Bobbie Murphy said...

What a GREAT home! I really like it!

Kirsten said...

Oh just look at it!! It's so beautiful!!! I am so excited for you!!

Patsy said...

You are blessed and we are grateful it has gone well for you!! It is so exciting to have your very own home.

Amy said...

YAY for you guys!! Isn't it fun to watch your house be built?? I thought it was. It's a great looking house.